Tolerant 宽容 _400字相关作文:Tolerant 宽容 _400字范文内容如下: My mother always says that I am a naughty girl. When I go out with her, I always make some mistakes. Such as annoying others when they are talking, which is very impolite. My mother doesn't punish me, instead, she tries to disturb me when I want to talk to her. It makes me realize how rude I am. My mother is so tolerant that she is a good mother. 我妈妈总是说我是个淘气的女孩。每当我和她出去的时候,我总会犯一些错误。比如在他们聊天的时候打扰他人。这样的行为是很不礼貌的。我妈妈却不惩罚我,而是,当我想和她说话的时候,她就故意打断我。这让我意识到我的行为是多么的粗鲁。我妈妈很宽容,她是一个好母亲。 Tolerant 宽容 _400字内容来源于网络,剑花作文网仅作公益范文演示,版权归Tolerant 宽容 _400字原作者所有,如有不妥,请联系站长删除处理